100 Biblical Affirmations for Confidence and Self-Esteem
Once in a while, our confidence and self-esteem often go for a toss, don’t they?
It’s in these moments that we seek solace and strength, and what better source to turn to than the timeless wisdom of the Bible?
In this blog, we delve into some biblical affirmations that are not just words, but powerful reminders of our worth and strength in the eyes of the divine.
These affirmations are carefully selected to uplift your spirit, reinforce your self-belief, and guide you through times of doubt and uncertainty.
Whether you are facing a tough day or just need a gentle reminder of your inherent value, these phrases will serve as sign of hope and resilience, illuminating the path to a confident and esteemed self.
Biblical Affirmations for Confidence
- I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
- God’s strength is made perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
- I am a child of God (John 1:12).
- I am chosen, holy, and dearly loved (Colossians 3:12).
- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).
- I am redeemed and forgiven (Ephesians 1:7).
- I am God’s workmanship, created for good works (Ephesians 2:10).
- I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me (Romans 8:37).
- I am loved with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3).
- I have a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
- I am blessed with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3).
- God’s peace, which surpasses all understanding, guards my heart and mind (Philippians 4:7).
- I am confident that God will complete the good work He started in me (Philippians 1:6).
- I am secure in Christ (Ephesians 2:20).
- I am firmly rooted and built up in Christ (Colossians 2:7).
- I am established in God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
- I am transformed by renewing my mind (Romans 12:2).
- I am bold and courageous (Joshua 1:9).
- I am valuable and precious in God’s sight (1 Peter 2:4).
- I am a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
- I am accepted in the Beloved (Ephesians 1:6).
- I am seated in heavenly places with Christ (Ephesians 2:6).
- I have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).
- I am chosen by God, and I am His possession (1 Peter 2:9).
- I am a light in the world (Matthew 5:14).
- I am a branch of the true vine, and a conduit of Christ’s life (John 15:1, 5).
- I am forgiven of all my sins and washed in the blood (Ephesians 1:7).
- I am healed by His wounds (1 Peter 2:24).
- I am hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3).
- I am protected by God’s power (1 Peter 1:5).
- I am free in Christ (Galatians 5:1).
- I am significant in Christ’s kingdom (Matthew 5:13-14).
- I am a citizen of heaven (Philippians 3:20).
- I am anointed by God (1 John 2:20, 27).
- I am saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8).
- I am justified by faith (Romans 5:1).
- I am sanctified and called to holiness (1 Corinthians 6:11).
- I am favored by God (Psalm 5:12).
- I am strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Ephesians 6:10).
- I am rescued from the domain of darkness (Colossians 1:13).
- I am chosen for a divine purpose (Jeremiah 29:11).
- I am empowered to witness for Christ (Acts 1:8).
- I am fearless, for God is with me (Isaiah 41:10).
- I am united with other believers (1 Corinthians 12:12).
- I am alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:5).
- I am raised up with Christ (Colossians 2:12).
- I am victorious through Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).
- I am set free in Christ (John 8:32).
- I am reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:18).
- I am loved as God’s child (1 John 3:1).
Biblical Affirmations for Improving Your Self-Esteem
- I am held in the palm of God’s hand (Isaiah 49:16).
- I am a participant in Christ’s divine nature (2 Peter 1:4).
- I am filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).
- I am fruitful in God’s kingdom (John 15:5).
- I am endowed with spiritual gifts for ministry (1 Corinthians 12:7).
- I am known by God (1 Corinthians 8:3).
- I am overcoming the world through faith (1 John 5:4).
- I am receiving God’s fullness (John 1:16).
- I am confident in my access to God’s grace (Romans 5:2).
- I am heard by God when I pray (1 John 5:14).
- I am never alone; God is with me (Hebrews 13:5).
- I am forgiving, as I have been forgiven (Colossians 3:13).
- I am lavished with God’s grace (Ephesians 1:7-8).
- I am inspired by God’s Word for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16).
- I am persuaded that nothing can separate me from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39).
- I am embraced by God’s mercy and grace (Hebrews 4:16).
- I am qualified to share in Christ’s inheritance (Colossians 1:12).
- I am clothed in Christ’s righteousness (Galatians 3:27).
- I am joyful in hope (Romans 12:12).
- I am praying without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
- I am loving because Christ first loved me (1 John 4:19).
- I am bold in my approach to God’s throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16).
- I am blessed because I believe that God will fulfill His promises to me (Luke 1:45).
- I am nurtured and admonished by the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).
- I am awaiting a heavenly country (Hebrews 11:16).
- I am beloved and I keep myself in God’s love (Jude 1:21).
- I am living by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).
- I am guarded by God’s power (1 Peter 1:5).
- I am steadfast in all my ways (James 5:8).
- I am able to approach God with freedom and confidence (Ephesians 3:12).
- I am rejoicing in my sufferings (Colossians 1:24).
- I am enriched in every way (2 Corinthians 9:11).
- I am radiating Christ’s glory (2 Corinthians 3:18).
- I am rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17).
- I am overflowing with thankfulness (Colossians 2:7).
- I am persevering in tribulation (Romans 12:12).
- I am contributing to the needs of God’s people (Romans 12:13).
- I am anointed to preach good news (Luke 4:18).
- I am the light of the world and I let my light shine (Matthew 5:14-16).
- I am refreshed by God (2 Timothy 1:16).
- I am chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16).
- I am resolute in my dedication to God (Acts 21:13).
- I am witnessing to God’s grace in my life (Acts 20:24).
- I am strengthened with all power according to God’s glorious might (Colossians 1:11).
- I am patient and longsuffering with joy (Colossians 1:11).
- I am built up in Christ and established in the faith (Colossians 2:7).
- I am abounding in thanksgiving (Colossians 2:7).
- I am rich in Christ (Ephesians 2:7).
- I am looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth (2 Peter 3:13).
- I am abiding in Christ and He in me (John 15:4).